What will your choices be today? Looking at The Burlington Creek calendar, there are plenty of events, social functions, and entertainment happenings to choose from. We provide excellent opportunities to nourish every aspect of your person – mind, body, and spirit. Come join us if you want and when you can. There is always a place for you!
Our residents love live entertainment, whether it be music or guest speakers. Feature films are always popular, especially with fresh popcorn. For some, they prefer a thrilling board or card game, while chair beachball really brings out the competitive spirit!
We love to venture outside the community and explore around The Northland to see everything the area has to offer. What would you like to see and do?
We offer a wide range of opportunities to help you learn, grow, and move. Socializing is an important part of an aging lifestyle and being around others is both fun and healthy.
When older adults and children get together and interact, it can be a magical experience. The sharing of wisdom creates excitement in the eyes of youngsters. Intergenerational experiences provide invaluable opportunities for growth. Volunteering and giving back to one’s community has its own reward. People who volunteer feel more useful, capable, and confident.